
Un poema y siete haikus

If thou kiss not me

See the mountain kiss high heaven
and the waves clasp one another
sister flower would be forgiven
if it disdained its brother.

And the sunlight clasps the earth
and the moonbeams kiss the sea
what are all this kissings worth
if thou kiss not me?

The fountains mingle with the river
and the rivers with the ocean
the winds of heaven mix forever
with a sweet emotion.

Nothing in the world is single
all things by a law divine
in another's being mingle
why not I with thine?

Haikus Modernos 

El sol ya salió
Levántate, es tarde
No tengo ganas.

Pelo mojado
Acuéstate en la cama
Piérdete otra vez.

Tómate el café
No necesita azúcar
Abre tu mente.
Am I boring you?
No need to say it, honey
I will be gone soon.
Take care of your dough
Do not use credit cards now
Survive the crisis.
Am I getting old?
I will be twenty four soon
What do you reckon?
I do feel like shit
I miss you so very much
Spend some time with me.

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